Thursday, July 10, 2008

My favourites!

These are my current favourite pieces of work.....hope you like them! Let me have your comments!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

EXHIBITION 28 JUNE 2008 and Blog update!!

We had a steady stream of visitors and some nice feedback. It seemed to be mainly other artists who wanted to chat and exchange ideas etc which was nice. I don't think it helped however that the wrong address for the venue was printed in the local ad mag!!

I did feel a little embarressed about putting 'myself' (as it were) on show! My artwork is a hobby and is still relatively, in my eyes, unpolished. I am finding I really like sketching and drawing these days so hope to concentrate more on this aspect of my art. I have been approached to draw a portrait so am considering this! Watch out for new drawings soon to be posted and please leave any feedback, it is always nice to hear your comments.

I have a few other hobbies in the pipeline and made a tentative start this week with both, one by accident: horseriding! I met a lovely couple whilst out cycling who run a horse sanctuary who let me sit on their beautiful Suffolk Punch; a rare breed and absolutely huge! It was the first time I had sat on a horse and what a magnificent creature he is! He was led around and I had my first ride! The second thing I want to do is learn to play drums and my son, Kevin, had bought me a 'drum lesson' voucher for Mother's Day which I used yesterday, it was absolutely fantastic and I am hoping to make time to continue with lessons in the Autumn!

On a more serious note I have been thinking long and hard about returning to college soon and really fancy furthering my education/career, so I am busy researching my options at the moment!

Anyway there are lots of things in the pipeline but I still want to concentrate on my art - at least I have plenty of food for thought!!

Watch out for more updates coming soon and please feel free to e.mail me or leave a comment.